May 27, 2008

New Birth = Ability to Believe?

"Without faith it is impossible to please God." (Hebrews 11: 6)

"Whatever is not of faith is sin." (Romans 14: 23)


Those who teach that "regeneration" is nothing more than the giving of spiritual "ability" say that God MUST first give this "ability," must first "regenerate," BEFORE one can have faith or repent, have a serious "paradigm problem."

By this definition of things a person is "enabled" to do spiritual things before he has faith. Thus, faith is no part of this "enabling" or this "ability." Thus, a "regenerated" man has the potential for faith, though not faith itself. By this definition of things a man CAN "please God" by "regeneration" alone and need not have faith. Yet, the scriptures are clear that "whatever is not of faith is sin."

Is regeneneration that which is "of faith"?

When men talk of God "giving the ability to believe," be they Wesleyans who promote what is called "prevenient grace," or "Hyper Reformed Calvinists" who promote a hybrid view on "regeneration," they are failing to see faith as that very ability. To say "God gives ability in order to have faith" is like saying "God gives ability in order to have ability" or "God gives faith in order to have faith."

Friends, the bible teaches that God gives power and ability WHEN he gives faith.

Faith = spiritual ability.

Now, is that not really simple? Why do men come up with their "ordo polutis" as brother Bob Ross calls this nonsense?

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