May 21, 2009

Leland No Hardshell

The following lines of poetry written by Elder John Leland show that he was no Hardshell, even though the Hardshells, hungry to find adherents in the 18th century, claim him as one of them. But, no Hardshell can read these words of Leland and believe he was one with them in sentiment. They do not believe in giving such invitations to lost sinners nor that faith and conversion are necessary for eternal salvation. However, Leland clearly did. (emphasis mine)

Here are some excerpted lines from some of his poetry, some written near the end of his life, while in his 80's.

For your comfort every day;
If by fiery serpents bitten,

Only look upon the pole;
He who was for sinners smitten,

Freely heals the poisoned soul.

We, like Moses, now invite you,

Sinners, come and go with us; You will gain a crown of glory;

You will shun an endless curse. Why put off until to-morrow,

Works that should be done to-day This will fill your hearts with sorrow,

When your souls are called away

Lingring souls, how can you slumber,

When the storm is at the door?
Hark! and hear the rumbling thunder;—

Soon the storm of fire will pour.
O repent, and seek salvation,

Christ stands waiting to redeem; He will every sinner pardon,

Who believes and trusts in him

If you feel your hearts lamenting,

If your wills are rightly bent, If you come to Christ repenting,

As the leprous sinner went, You will find a gracious Saviour,

Full of pity, love, and grace; He will take you into favor.

And salute with words of peace.

"I am Jesus, I will save you;

All my blood your souls have cost, Power and grace shall cleanse and keep you:—

None that come shall e'er be lost, Go and tell to all around you,

What the Lord has done for you; Tell them if their hearts are broken,

They will find a Saviour too


O sinner! be awakened

To see your dreadful state;
Repent and be converted,

Before it is too late;
To-day you are invited.

To-morrow you may die,
And if the call is slighted,

How bitterly you'll cry.

How can you tarry longer,

And waste your time away?
The enemy grows stronger,

The longer you delay:
Now is the time accepted,—

Repent and turn about,
Or you may be rejected

And finally cast out.

The writings of the late Elder John Leland By John Leland, L. F. Greene, pg. 742-44.

See here

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